Screen sharing software

Screen sharing software remote desktop services price

Vnc client android

Ammyy remote desktop viewer Admin is designed to connect to remote desktop   the most convenient and quickest way.In three steps you can get   small business remote access your computer from anywhere in the world without complicated settings and problems with NAT and firewalls Firewall.</vnc viewer windowsp>

Screen sharing software vnc for pc

Pc remote access

Ammyy remote desktop viewer Admin has a wide range of functions for working with small business remote access, provides a high level of security and encryption of data transmitted is voice chat, easy to use and can be used for purposes such as remote administration, small business remote access to a computer in the office, the organization of virtual classes remote customer support and more.

Vnc for pc

Screen sharing tool

Anyplace Control custom vnc remote desktom software

Platform: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista

vnc windows client

Office of the LAN:  

Control over the Internet:  

The program – one of the few who have Russian interface. It supports all operating systems Windows, including Windows Vista, and enables remote management of computers as a part of the same local network or via the Internet.

Screen sharing tool

The program consists of two modules: Host and Admin. Host-unit is installed on a managed PC, and Admin-Module – on the computer from which you control.

Vnc for pc windows remote desktop

The undoubted advantages of Anyplace Control custom vnc remote desktop software   include the fact that the Host-module of the program can be run manually as a standalone program and as a service in conjunction with loading the operating system.In addition, Host-module can be installed remotely from the computer on which the Admin-module. Naturally, the remote installation of Host-module is only possible within the local network and you need to have administrator privileges.

Anyplace Control custom vnc remote desktom software software can operate in two modes: Remote Control sdkof computers on the LAN when the managed computers and the computer from which you control, are in the same local network and the Remote Control sdkof computers over the Internet.

In the Remote Control sdkof computers on the LAN is installed between the so-called direct connection (direct connect). In this mode, the built-in network scanner allows you to display all computers on a LAN (domain or workgroup) and you can set a filter to display only those PCs that have installed the client portion of the program, that is, those that can be connected (Fig. 3).

those client PCs that are running Host-module 

Vnc for pc remote desktop services price

program Anyplace Control custom vnc remote desktop software

Once the selected computers to which you want to connect, they are added to the list and made available for Remote Control sdk(Fig. 4).

Remote desktop pc

Remote access tools

Remote desktop pc remote desktop android

Mikogo custom vnc remote desktom software, – a free cross-platform application for desktop sharing, designed for online meetings and Web presentations.vnc windows

Mikogo custom vnc remote desktop software provides public access to the desktop, which is generated by a special session identifier, through which users and are attached to the remote system.

Vnc for pc

This version is remarkable in that it is the first release   available for Linux.Prior to that, among the supported platforms are only versions for Windows and Mac.

Mikogo custom vnc remote desktop software 4.2 Features

*         Switching between the participants in the session

*         Working with a remote keyboard and mouse

*         File Transfer

*         Chat

*         Planner

*         Ability to record

*         Flexible configuration of the application

*         Profile Manager

Installing Mikogo remote desktom software

Remote desktop pc vnc for pc

To install just download the archive from the download page , unzip and run the Mikogo custom vnc remote desktop software.



Vnc viewer

Remote desktop client


Vnc viewer remote desktop android

With the function "Send Clipboard" you can easily copy text, graphics or other objects from one computer to another.vnc viewer for windows This feature is extremely useful when transferring data without using files.  

Example 1: The transfer of text data:  

Do you work on a remote computer and opened the web page that can be useful to you. Do you want to save the link as a favorite on the local computer. Reprint the link is too long and troublesome, and "File Sharing" will not help.  

Remote desktop client

The "transfer of the clipboard" solves this problem. Copy the link to the clipboard (Ctrl + C), run the command "Get clipboard" and paste the link into your browser on your PC, add it to your favorites.  

Example 2: The transfer of image data:  

Very often when viewing graphics found documents that may be useful in the future on another PC. You can easily send these graphics objects from one computer to another.  To send a local clipboard to remote computer:   

1. Select the required data on your computer.  

2. Perform the standard copying, using the key combination Ctrl-C.

3. Run the command "Send Clipboard" by pressing the "Clipboard" in the toolbar remote screen.  

4. Follow the standard operation "Insert" by pressing the key combination Ctrl-V on the remote computer.

For the clipboard from a remote computer on local:  

1. Select the required data on a remote computer while working on the remote screen.  

2. Perform the standard copying, using the key combination Ctrl-C.

3. Run the command "Get Clipboard" by pressing the button "Clipboard" in the toolbar remote screen.  

4. Follow the standard operation "Insert", press the key combination Ctrl-V on your computer.

Remote skrivbordsdelning

Windows Remote desktop pris

Anyplace Påverka anpassad VNC Remote Desktop – ett program som låter dig att säkert driva en fjärrdator via Internet eller LAN.

Var som helst Kontroll anpassad vnc fjärrkontrollen desktom mjukvara visar skrivbordet på en avlägsen dator och låter dig hantera dem på datorn med hjälp av musen och tangentbordet.vnc android Med andra ord, oavsett var du befinner dig, kan du styra fjärrdatorn precis som om du satt framför honom.

Remote skrivbordsdelning remote desktop android

Windows fjärråtkomst

Inbyggd "File Sharing" Du kan kopiera filer från en dator till another.C med Anyplace Styr fjärrkontrollen desktom programvara som du kan fjärrstyra strömmen, starta fjärrdator, låsa en mus och tangentbord, och utföra många andra trick. Dessutom har programmet en unik funktion av "Remote Install", som låter dig installera och konfigurera programvaran på distans. Du behöver inte en direkt närvaro framför datorer som du installerar på distans.

Visar fjärrdatorn skärmen på din skärm.

Programmet ger dig möjlighet att:

Visa fjärrdatorn skrivbord på skärmen i realtid.

Använd musen och tangentbordet för att styra fjärr-PC.

Kopiera filer från en dator till en annan.

Kopiera text, grafik eller andra data från en dator till en annan med hjälp av Urklipp.

Aktivera, avaktivera, starta fjärrdator, liksom för att blockera hans mus och tangentbord.

Remote skrivbordsdelning Windows Remote desktop

Tillgång till en dator placerad bakom en router eller brandvägg utan konfiguration.