Vnc viewer

Remote desktop client


Vnc viewer remote desktop android

With the function "Send Clipboard" you can easily copy text, graphics or other objects from one computer to another.vnc viewer for windows This feature is extremely useful when transferring data without using files.  

Example 1: The transfer of text data:  

Do you work on a remote computer and opened the web page that can be useful to you. Do you want to save the link as a favorite on the local computer. Reprint the link is too long and troublesome, and "File Sharing" will not help.  

Remote desktop client

The "transfer of the clipboard" solves this problem. Copy the link to the clipboard (Ctrl + C), run the command "Get clipboard" and paste the link into your browser on your PC, add it to your favorites.  

Example 2: The transfer of image data:  

Very often when viewing graphics found documents that may be useful in the future on another PC. You can easily send these graphics objects from one computer to another.  To send a local clipboard to remote computer:   

1. Select the required data on your computer.  

2. Perform the standard copying, using the key combination Ctrl-C.

3. Run the command "Send Clipboard" by pressing the "Clipboard" in the toolbar remote screen.  

4. Follow the standard operation "Insert" by pressing the key combination Ctrl-V on the remote computer.

For the clipboard from a remote computer on local:  

1. Select the required data on a remote computer while working on the remote screen.  

2. Perform the standard copying, using the key combination Ctrl-C.

3. Run the command "Get Clipboard" by pressing the button "Clipboard" in the toolbar remote screen.  

4. Follow the standard operation "Insert", press the key combination Ctrl-V on your computer.

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